Some easy steps to plan a virtual voter registration campaign.
Check your state’s rules. Be sure to understand your state’s rules for voter registration before planning an event.
How long before the election do voters need to be registered to be eligible to vote? (Remember that there are primary and general elections, each with different voter registration deadlines.)
What is the age requirement for volunteers registering people to vote?
Do voters need to declare a party affiliation?
What are the rules for people who have been convicted of a felony?
How must registration forms be submitted to election officials?
What is the required length of residency prior to an individual registering to vote?
Are college students eligible to register to vote in the locality and state where they are enrolled?
Is there a required training for volunteers to be able to register voters?
2. Plan your registration drive. Set reasonable goals. Goals and a plan enable you
to work strategically and gauge your progress. When you set your goals, consider
the following questions:
How many people do you want to register?
Where should you target people to register? Do you want to focus on certain age groups with historically low voter turnout, underrepresented groups, or groups considered high-risk for COVID-19 and concerned about accessing the vote?
3. Plan your digital outreach. Social media has proven to be a great tool for sharing
your message with diverse audiences across multiple platforms. With a well-crafted
tweet or Facebook post, you can reach far more people in your voter registration
drive– if done well!
The Basics
Use the right hashtags. Include relevant hashtags like #ItsMyVote, #Election2022, and #GOTV in all your social media posts for greater visibility. Take it a step further and localize your hashtag — many states, counties, and districts have their own election-related hashtags (for example, maybe it’s #IowaVotes or #DCVotes). Research which election-related hashtags are popular in your area so that you can be a part of the existing conversation.
Use photos. Tweets with photos perform five times better than those without, and good photos are priceless on all social media platforms.
4. Execute the campaign!