Yes, the #ForthePeopleAct would prevent gerrymandering this cycle.
Aug. 16 is the #CensusBureau deadline for delivering local-level population data to states — and the date on which #gerrymandering can begin.
While there are minor differences in how the #ForthePeopleAct deals with the 2020 redistricting cycle compared to future cycles, the guidelines are largely similar. In both cases, it bans partisan redistricting, enables independent redistricting commissions and requires a baseline amount of public input. More specifically, under the For the People Act's "criteria for #redistricting," the bill says that fair districts will "not favor or disfavor one party or another." RepresentUs published a brief that goes into much more detail on the similarities and differences between how the bill would govern redistricting in the 2020 cycle and future cycles.
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